Friday 4 February 2011

Bed...and Ryan Reynolds...but not together!

Yawn, sleepy sleepy Susie.

When people say that they have had trouble getting out of bed in the morning, I don't always think they understand fully what that means!

Since being unwell my bed is my best friend.....and my worst enemy. It is always there for me. Its warm and cosy, and once I get under the covers I can pretend that everything has magically disappeared. Its like a little cocoon, personalised just for me. And it knows that I love it. Oh yes, it has tricks up its sleeve to make me stay in there as long as possible. It draws me in like a magnet, when I'm up and in the shower I can feel it calling to me....."Susie Susie, come back, I miss you!" And I think, hmmm I miss you too bed, lets just have a little two minute lie down and try and turn my crazy brain off. Before you know it, I'm fast asleep and my bed is happy. Because you see when I'm asleep I don't have to think anymore! Yes! It is a great feeling.

Not that I can always get to sleep, and I do often have nightmares, but when I'm in bed it likes me to believe that its the best and safest place in the world. And I should stay there forever.

People who suffer from depression often get dealt the 'snap out of it' 'do something to take your mind off it' card. But its not that simple. I never thought I would say this but I miss doing normal things, tasks that we all take for granted.  Catching a bus, going to work, walking through town, being in the pub with friends, meeting new people, having conversations, going out for dinner.....but I cant do any of these things, my anxiety and depression takes over and I am immobilised.

However, I have taken up a new skill! Oh yes I am offically a Granny now! (But without the wrinkles and the false teeth...) Yes I have started knitting. Ha, I'm not very good but I'm often tired but restless so it keeps my fingers busy. I'm currently making a patchwork blanket (it sounds impressive, its not!) I'm welcome to any requests...well maybe not all requests...jumpers are defo too hard, and gloves...! But I can do scarves, and ummm hats and blankets! Just anything squareish really....

This afternoon my Mum and Dad went out for lunch so my pal popped round for some girly time. We watched 'The Proposal' thing that will always make me smile, Ryan Reynolds naked.....

Until tomorrow xxxxxxxxxx

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